
Oscar will give a Product Design Workshop in July 2025. Find out more here.

Oscar is working on a new, light and economical chair, for BD Barcelona Design

“You can be a dirty old man and also a genius, like Nabokov” (read the interview for El País here)

Penna Leonardesca 2018

Penna Leonardesca  - Oscar Tusquets Blanca
Penna Leonardesca  - Oscar Tusquets Blanca
Penna Leonardesca  - Oscar Tusquets Blanca
Penna Leonardesca  - Oscar Tusquets Blanca
Oscar Tusquets Blanca
Oscar Tusquets Blanca
Oscar Tusquets Blanca
Oscar Tusquets Blanca

Treccani Editore

Designing a fountain pen to commemorate the 500th anniversary of Leonardo's death was a delicate challenge. No other artist's work has suffered more kitsch interpretations, Cenacolos and Giocondas have invaded all kinds of bibelots.

My pen alluded to a paintbrush, the clip was made of unkempt hairs and where the number defining the thickness was usually located, the number 500 appeared. The fact that the best sable brushes are from the da Vinci brand was a fortunate coincidence.