
Oscar will give a Product Design Workshop in July 2025. Find out more here.

Oscar is working on a new, light and economical chair, for BD Barcelona Design

“You can be a dirty old man and also a genius, like Nabokov” (read the interview for El País here)

Arquitectura y lágrimas1975

Arquitectura y lágrimas - Oscar Tusquets Blanca
Oscar Tusquets Blanca
Publishing House

Tusquets Editores


Lluís Clotet, Cristian Cirici, Pep Bonet, Leopoldo Pomés and Xavier Sust

The catalogue published with the subtitle Documentos de Arquitectura popular catalana 1975 para un Museo de Historia de la Ciudad (Documents of everyday Catalan Architecture in 1975 for a Museum of the History of the City). It was published to coincide with the exhibition of the same name at Barcelona's Sala Vinçon.

The authors were photographer and publicist Leopoldo Pomés, architect and urban planner Xavier Sust and the members of Studio Per. The book and exhibition presented a range of aspects of everyday architecture of the time without value judgements. The chapters were devoted to different aspects - settings - of the city of Barcelona, photographs of her streets, residential houses in various Catalan towns, kitsch objects from the city's shops and a summary of a 15-minute film entitled Mi terraza, a Studio Per initiative directed by film-maker Gonzalo Herralde.

(Out of print)