Cinco reflexiones sobre la arquitectura que nos rodea.
(An Invitation to Architecture. Five Reflections on the Architecture Around Us)
Editorial RBA Libros. 2002
Spanish edition by Joaquin Español
The pleasure of good architecture does not necessarily need explanations. Nonetheless, sometimes, we want to know and we ask ourselves questions to which we don’t find the answers: Why do we like a building? How does the architect invent? Why do modern cities look forbidding and unpleasant?
Five eminent names in contemporary architecture—Oriol Bohigas, Juan Navarro Baldeweg, Oscar Tusquets, Albert Viaplana and Peter G. Rowe—draw on their mature experience to offer their reflections and commentaries.
Always interesting, often surprising, Invitación a la arquitectura is not a technical book. Its direct, colloquial language makes it comprehensible to the general reader, without losing the rigour and lucidity with which the interviewees delve into the fundaments of their works and look at the world around them.