In 1997, with the title “Fundación Privada Oscar Tusquets Blanca”, a private, non-profit foundation (subject to the legislation of the Generalitat de Catalunya) was founded, with the following aims:
    1- The conservation, arrangement, study, exhibition, dissemination and control of the marketing of the works of Oscar Tusquets Blanca, whether architecture, design, painting or literature, whether created individually or in collaboration with others. Consequently, it must assume the administration of the author’s rights generated by these works.
    2- The study and promotion of the work of other artists who are attuned to the ideas and intentions that Oscar Tusquets Blanca has developed in the course of his professional career.
    3- The defence and conservation of the artistic heritage, particularly architecture, design and painting.
    4- The defence of a balanced, conscientious and rigorous treatment of Nature.