Companys, 1985-1988


Location: Badalona, Barcelona

Architects: Oscar Tusquets Blanca and Carles Vinardell


Construction engineer: Alfons Anguera

Built area: 4.500 m2

 City of Badalona Prize 1988


The location of the building on a corner close to the motorway was fundamental in designing its volumetrics, which sought to:

1. Completely hide the party wall that was the true facade of the city as seen from the motorway.

2. Make the building terminate like the prow of a ship, rather than follow the concave perimeter dictated by the line of the street.

A rich but unified image from the many viewpoints proffered by the motorway, whose elevated position dominates the view of the construction and whose intersection at this point turns the building into the gateway to the city. The three towers, that encompass the ever-cumbersome terraces, contribute to this voluntary monumentality.