Manresa Railway Station, 1994-1995


Location: Manresa, Barcelona

Architect: Oscar Tusquets Blanca


Project Coordinator: Carles Díaz

Architect: Elisenda Tortajada

Structure: Jesús Jiménez and Enric Torrent

The basic module was provided by one of the bus stops created by international designers in preparation for the Expo in Hanover. Despite its geometric complexity, this module has a horizontal perimeter and drains via its two pillars, and can be positioned adjacent to others lengthwise, as we arranged them for canopies in railway stations, but also widthwise, as implemented on a large scale at the bus station in Castellón. In the course of the 10 years of this ongoing process, we have refined the structure, distancing the pillars and reaching projections of 4.5 m, half span between the pillars, matching the intercolumniation.